Schedule: National Pop Music Workshop

Day One

11am: Student Band Intro Show, Welcome & Intros, Production overview

12pm: The instruments- tips, tricks & quick repairs

1p: Working with vocalists (Meal provided)

2p: Monday- Friday to get to the show (journey & destination)

3p: Teachers work to build a mini show

4p: Teachers work with students bands in rehearsals

5p: Student-Centered Teaching, Beyond Performing (with LACM)

Day Two

11a: Teachers observe a no-teacher rehearsal

11:30a: Advanced instrument techniques (synth patches, pedalboards, wireless, vocal styles, drum mics)

12p: Programming & Copyright (special guest speaker)

1p: Production/Show tips & tricks (Meal provided)

2p: Developing songwriters

3p: Student motivations & assessments: beyond the classroom

4p: Teachers work with students bands in rehearsals

6p: Reception & Show

What will we talk about next year?

Digital Distribution, Community Performing, Career Technical Education


Support for Community & Culture-Based Music


Workshop Faculty